Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a weekend

The weekend of March 26-28 was one of the best show weekends ever. Phil showed our young male Tanner, Treasure's Eye of The Tiger for the first time ever, at the Puget Sound Pug Dog Specialty and they went WD for a 3 pt major.
The same weekend Fancy finished her CD, after only 6 attempts, one of those attempts she not only got a leg but was high scoring toy in trial.
Bronn earned his 2nd leg towards his RE title and would have finished his title the next day, but was under the weather, so he did not trial.

We are hoping to have that title wrapped up later this month in ID and for Carma to finish her CD then as well. She only needs one leg to title.

Our wonderful rescues, Tedy, Casey and Scout are all doing well and continue to make us proud by just being good dogs!

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